VOL: Calling all deer hunters!

deerCalling all deer hunters (archery and firearm). Deer hunters, those that participate in deer camps, or know hunters and have access to deer gut piles immediately after the deer is harvested and field dressed. The University of Minnesota Extension Master Naturalist Program is working on a research project with a graduate student and is looking for successful deer hunters across the state. See the information below if you are willing to participate!


The purpose of this research study is to better understand what and when species use deer gut piles provided by hunters across all of Minnesota. Minnesota offers a unique opportunity to look at this across four different biomes and a large metro area, different scavenger assemblages, and different human land-use types. All of these likely affect what and when scavenger species visit gut piles. To participate in this study, sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b054eaead2ea6fb6-offal1


You will be able to enjoy hunting as you normally would with the added opportunity to contribute valuable data to wildlife research. All you need to do is:

  1. Clean your deer as you normally would
  2. Set up your game camera to record what uses the gut pile
  3. Return one month later to pick up your camera
  4. Send us your pictures and data at: https://www.signupgenius.com/index.cfm?go=w.Welcome

**If you need to borrow a camera, please indicate this in the comments section:


Please share this information with fellow hunters!

To learn more about the University of Minnesota Master Naturalist Program, go to their link at https://www.minnesotamasternaturalist.org/