Minnesota’s Wildlife Action Plan 2015-2025

The 2015-2025 MN Wildlife Action Plan identifies a prioritized Wildlife Action Network (WAN) that can aid land managers and other conservation partners in implementing a landscape-scale, habitat approach that increases the effectiveness and efficiency of conservation actions by maintaining, enhancing, and restoring:

  • Areas large enough to sustain biodiversity and ecological processes and functions,
  • Areas that are large enough to support species that require large territories,
  • Connections to allow for species movements (establishment of new populations, gene flow, access to multiple habitats at different life stages or to areas for thermal regulation),
  • Areas that support species requiring a habitat complexes (for example, multiple successional stages, grassland-wetland complexes)

This email is to inform you that the Wildlife Action Network (WAN) is now available to external partners on the MN Geospatial Commons at: Wildlife

The Wildlife Action Network attribute table has also been updated to include the scores of the five metrics used to define the rank. Please see the metadata or Appendix E of the MN Wildlife Action Plan for more information.

For more information about the Minnesota Wildlife Action Plan and additional resources, please visit the website at: MnDNR